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French cyber tech giant Squad joins Lot Fourteen

Posted October 14, 2019

Speaking today, Premier Steven Marshall said the company’s decision to move to South Australia was an endorsement of the state’s defence, space and cyber sectors.

“Eric Guillerm, the Chairman of Squad, and I have had many discussions about a move to Adelaide, and I’m delighted they have made the decision to come to Lot Fourteen,” said the Premier.

“This announcement is another major vote of confidence in our state’s high-tech and high-growth industries. National and international organisations are choosing South Australia to tap into our defence, space and cyber industries, creating a pipeline of jobs for decades to come.”

Squad currently employs 500 people providing specialist IT advice in three key areas, predominantly cybersecurity, as well cloud computing and its Digital Factory.

Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, David Ridgway said the announcement was yet another coup for Lot Fourteen.

“We’ve seen such rapid development here on the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site, with national and international investment flowing through,” said Minister Ridgway.

“Companies like Squad provide a boost to the high-tech and high-growth ecosystem we’re growing down here at Lot Fourteen. This demonstrates a promising future for our state.”

Squad Australia SC will initially be part of the Defence and Space Landing Pad at Lot Fourteen. It will also have access to business support through the SA Landing Pad to help establish a permanent home for its Asia Pacific office in Adelaide.

The Defence and Space Landing Pad, managed by Defence SA is now located in the Heritage-listed Margaret Graham Building at Lot Fourteen. It has been redeveloped into a collaborative and modern working space that has the capacity to support up to 12 international companies.

The new Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre is also located at Lot Fourteen and is the first initiative of its kind in Australia. It will provide a unique environment for collaboration between Australia’s universities, researchers and industry to solve problems and develop solutions for global customers.

Squad co-founder and CEO Marc Brua said the company was thrilled to be making the move to South Australia.

“To make that first step abroad, for a foreign company like Squad, is no easy feat; so, support programs such as a landing pad, which enable us to land and begin hiring and integrating locally, are imperative to our longer-term success,” Mr Brua said.

International Director for Squad, Antoine Hautin said the first phase of the company’s internationalisation has been the opening of Squad Australia CS which would serve as a gateway to the Asia Pacific region in the longer term.

“Today, we have around 10 to 15 consultants in Australia providing high level expertise on several defence projects. To keep growing, we will have to work closely with local partners, including higher education institutions,” Mr Hautin said.

For further information on the SALP, including details on eligibility, visit:

For more information about the Defence and Space Landing Pad, visit:

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